Sunday, 17 September 2017 13:48

Timeless SEO Guidelines to Remember For Your Penrith Business

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Ranking your website in Google search engine results pages (SERPs) is one of the primary goals of any Penrith business, especially with today’s highly mobile customer base. A first page – or even second page – result is ideal. It guarantees that you have a captured audience; in particular, those who don’t want to go deep into search results to see their options.

Back in the day, landing on the top SERPs is like ABC. The rules were simple. Business owners and website managers scrambled for domain names that started with numbers, believing these ranked first. Web pages prioritised keywords – even doing so scrupulously through keyword stuffing or invisible text.

Perhaps, that’s why search engine optimisation got so complicated. When link and content farms sprouted by the millions, and devious tactics were used by scheming website managers just to get the coveted top SERPs, Google upped its game. Ranking algorithms began to change constantly, from Panda to Hummingbird and whatever’s lined up next. Ranking for keywords turned into – more or less – a craft.

The Most Important Rule to Remember: Trust

Truth be told, there is one major rule to remember for your Penrith SEO. Remember this rule, and do what’s necessary to follow it, and you’re good to go. The rule? Earn Google’s trust.

There are several key elements that factor into gaining Google’s basic trust level. These are starting points to keep in mind: your indexed age, authority profile and content.

Your indexed age refers to the age of your pages since they were discovered and indexed by Google spiders. It’s true that with this rule, it is hard for a new website to rank on top. Be patient. Continue adding to your website and sharing your content.

Authority profile refers to the trustworthiness of your domain. This is assessed through the sites you link to, and the websites that link to you. Upping your authority takes time. Start by cultivating your relationships with related websites. Often, webmasters accept link exchange deals with trustworthy websites in related fields.

Content, of course, is what’s on your webpages. This – in the end – is the most important element of your website. Strive to put out quality content. Long-form, engaging content works best. Stay away from filler content. One of the prevalent SEO sins of the past was the proliferation of trash content – or content so think, they might as well not exist. Today, you gain trust by putting out material that truly adds value to the worldwide web.

Other “Rules” To Keep in Mind

Be Patient

Top ranking takes time. Keep this in mind. You gain Google’s trust by sticking it out, and consistently releasing quality content. Everything that you do is logged and indexed by its spiders; and, it will eventually show through improved Google rank.

Quality Matters

Consistency in website updates matters when you are developing your website and working towards improved SEO Penrith. However, above dishing out pages upon pages or articles upon articles is the quality of what you put out.

Ask yourself these questions every time you write for your website: 1. Is it relevant to my theme or field? 2. Does it add value to the content that’s already online? 3. Does it engage my target audience?

Strive to put out long-form content that talks about your topic in depth.

Keep your Keywords in Mind

One thing that hasn’t changed is the relevance of keywords when it comes to SERPs and SEO Penrith. People still search using keywords. Likewise, when they search using mobile devices, they are observed to use keywords in question form.

Keep this in mind when you write your content – but not too much. You’ll find that in the heat of writing quality content, you will use your keywords naturally.

Keep your Mobile Audience in Mind

In recent years, mobile searches have overtaken those using desktops. This is relevant to how you optimise for keywords and how your website is designed. Naturally use some of your keywords in question form. Design websites that adapt to mobile devices. Having a readable and visually-engaging website on mobile ensures you keep your audience on your page longer.

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Tim Williams

Founder and Managing Director of A Website That Works For You, Tim Williams has lead "The Green Team" to success helping business owners take advantage of leading Web Design and Online Marketing practices.

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